Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Visual Thinking Redux

I've been so busy, between two (consecutive, non-concurrent) weeks when (some, not all) of my kids were on vacation; two (consecutive, not full-family) trips; Passover; finals for my other two classes, and my blasted web site for this class, that I've been unable to post on the really important stuff.

Here's another topographical map by GP#2:

onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj3vb7EgmSK7IQzHEC6qEM4kCbphmWXCz3uS1aQiN_5ztK3g6V3SOJSCFiFac9wCnx7_WnpPzv6xyWJ_ALzLKDbFNsmqq-zS8_U3UtGf9V8_kfoHNT_naUJf6-5XMOD1RwI3K2DWjC1UwVy/s1600-h/topomap.JPG">

This one is of the lake on which my parents have a little house. The three sections represent the three sections of the lake, which are indeed laid out in just this way; the wood across the lower end represents the beaver dam that really does extend in just that place.

Here's a self portrait he did with the bottle tops:a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjsVsnY__CrLAXWFDGe6D6aYDXUbUvCoMwM21AaNbKZcp1PhNk-HYN2fS65OiFcw4LgPYD26KPUDXOdfypFzB0-d0WncS9MQyf1EyM1twtxk6cHGUyY520zwpPTbJq__8S3Y-xMlueZHywW/s1600-h/self+portrait1.JPG">

It's himself, dancing; inside his head, he's thinking about multicultural friendship and world peace.  (See the different colored people, holding hands?  They're standing on an orange beach, by the shore of a great blue ocean.)

This is himself, loving himself.  ("Sometimes I really like me.")

Those bottlecaps occupied him for at least three hours.

As a point of comparison, this model dragon in a book he wanted to get held him for all of three minutes:

a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" 

And this project, that I actually thought was well conceived, by the Eric Carle Museum in Amherst to explore positive and negative space:

held his interest for about thirty minutes.

When we got home, he asked if I could please let him have a collection of bottlecaps here, at home.

I said yes.  Sigh.

GP#3 asked me to take a picture of her doing a tableaux of Degas' Little Dancer (she is absolutely obsessed with Laurence Anholt's book):


I'm not sure if the term "tableaux" really covers "re-enacting a children's book about a sculpture of a dancer" but, there it is.

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