Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Few Firsts....

This is the first time I ever learned how to do hyperlinks.  Oh boy, I do expect I'll have good fun with that....

This is the first picture I ever posted off a website.  It is an illustration of irritated textile workers Smashing the Machine.  I uploaded the image through a website called creativecommons.org 

The putatively original (?!) source of the engraving is 

I quite proud that I did it.  I'm not quite sure how I did it.

This is a picture I uploaded from my laptop.  It's of my eldest daughter, Guinea Pig 1, acting goofy.

Strictly speaking, I don't count this as as great a personal triumph as the Luddite, above, because I did not put the picture onto my laptop in the first place.  My husband did.  He's always been in charge of that sort of thing.  Every marriage has its division of labor.  In mine, I plan the activities, I book the activities, I take the kids on the activities, I photograph the activities... and my husband, he puts the pictures onto the computer.

Until this course, I guess.

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