Sunday, January 27, 2008

UDL Postscript

I just wanted to add how surprised and delighted I was to come across ee cummings' poem "maggie and milly and molly and may" in an article that was otherwise rather, er, technical. I've never much read ee cummings, not generally being able to get past his punctuation, but this one is just lovely, and I'm so glad to have discovered it, however serendipitous the route. I'd copy the whole thing here, but Elizabeth scared me about copyright infringements in our last class, so I'll just include the last two lines:

For whatever we lose (like a you or a me)
it's always ourselves we find in the sea.

In every venture, 
we get out... 
what we put in.

post-PS: So Mom, I changed the background just for you. How do you like the new one??

1 comment:

Elizabeth Langran said...

I think you can get away with just those 2 lines... or link to someone else's website.